
Regarding that Positive Psychology...

Author Tim Ferris had a quote on his blog from Psychologist Martin Seligman that I found pretty interesting:

There are three levels to happiness: pleasure, the delight you get from chocolate, fast cars, and sex; engagement, the feeling of “flow” you get when you’re doing something you’re good at; and meaning, the fulfillment you get from being engaged in an effort greater than yourself. Pleasure is ephemeral and contributes very little to real happiness...but meaningful engagement brings lasting contentment.

My response question is, how many "happy" Christian Artists do you know? They seem like a group that should have both "flow" and "fulfillment".

I found the original quote here, and you can watch a video presentation of Seligman's ideas here.


Alan Greenspan

Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan, originally uploaded by brweaver.

Painting again. Digitally. Less clean-up that way. Why Greenspan? Well, why anything I guess. I'm just playing. (And, apparently, getting self-conscious and defensive about it. Time to go contemplate.)

Playing Again

Where introductions are made; and a poem is shared.


Once upon a time, I knew how to play. My memories suggest I was very good at it. But somehow I forgot. I'm not sure why yet, though I have some hunches. I'm beginning to remember though, and this is a blog meant to share the journey of my return; or, to put it another way, to begin to play with others, and walk in company.


The best advice I ever got--
That writers write and painters paint--
Is quickly set aside when trying
To force myself to make a sale.
I forget my love of words,
my wond’rous joy when placing them
Upon the page in rows around
My strokes of colored ink and wash;
Becoming greedy, wanting gold,
I start to work and cease to play.
